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Multi-Question Form
What type of business do you run?
Ecommerce/Online Store
B2B Service
B2C Service
Agency (I'm inquiring about a client's account)
What is your Meta Ads experience?
Currently Running Meta ADS
Currently Not Running Meta ADS
Never Run Meta ADS
Who currently manages your Meta Ads account?
I Manage It My Self
I Work with External Agency
Currently Not Runing Meta Ads
What is your ideal scenario for Meta Ads?
Do It For Me: I'd like to get better results fast without having to learn Meta Ads myself, stay up to date on the platform or check my account every day
It With Me: I'd like an expert to tell me how to quickly improve my results but I want to learn and I'm happy to manage it myself or with my internal team
One Time Advice: I just want one time advice on my ad account - not interested in support beyond this
How soon do you want to improve your Meta Ads results?
It's urgent - I need to fix issues and improve my Meta Ads results in the next 30 days
It's not urgent but I'd like to see performance start to increase in the next 1-3 months
No rush - I'm happy with results in general but I think they could be better. Trying to find someone who can help in the medium to long term
What is your current Meta Ads budget?
1-5 Lack per Month
5-10 Lack per Month
10+ Lack per Month
If you hit your profitability goals do you have capacity to spend more than your current budget?
Please enter your Website name:
Where did you hear about us?
Please provide your contact information:
Full Name
Mobile Number